Of course there is nothing like having some fun with an audience member and some of the kids were invited up to entertain us between segments. All in fun of course and they were scrambling to be chosen to participate.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Ostrich Festival
Chandler AZ holds an Ostrich Festival each year and we were fortunate enough to be able to attend. It was a barrel of laughs.
The amazing birds and foolhardy riders spring around the track while the audience cheers for the riders and finally applauds the rider who is at least able to coax his ostrich to cross the finish line.
Not to be outdone the Emus also had to get into the act and while they are just as erratic as the ostrich they are about half their size. They had no riders because of their small size but the participants had the novelty of herding them. No small feat!
Casa Grande Ruins
The Casa Grande Ruins are evidince of a culture that existed approximately 650 years ago and was comprised of organized and resourceful the people who learned to use the resourses at hand to create shelter and a complex community.
The different portals in the main building were used to show the beginning of spring, and fall as well as moons and the passing of days and years.
were very knowledgeable about irrigation as well as building and dug canals to funnel the Gila River to their crops.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Roping and Visiting
On Wednesday we got to do some visiting and watch some roping. Started out pretty dusty but after spraying the arena down with some water it was much better.
They use a mechanical steer for practice which they pull around the arena with a quad. It was a fun afternoon.
Maricopa AZ Jan 12 2012
We are in Maricopa Arizona and staying at the John Wayne RV Ranch. On the second night of our stay we were treated to a spectacular sunset and the added bonus of seeing the full moon rising over the desert. The sight was truly amazing.
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