Since leaving Tofino BC we have had a magnificient summer travelling across the country visiting with friends and family seeing some fantastic sights and lazing on the beach for longer than we had planned. We have definately had a summer to remember and although most of my pictures are trapped on my old computer I will remember them in my mind till I can get one of my smart children to release them for me.
After a six hour ferry ride we docked in Port-aux-Basque Newfoundland
It was truly amazing to see, rock rising directly out of the ocean and a handfull of hardy souls who had bravely built their homes, who knows how many years ago, on this beautiful but severe coast. We unloaded from the ferry and in wind that made it hard to stand upright travelled up the coast about 20 km where we stopped for the night.
It was truly amazing to see, rock rising directly out of the ocean and a handfull of hardy souls who had bravely built their homes, who knows how many years ago, on this beautiful but severe coast. We unloaded from the ferry and in wind that made it hard to stand upright travelled up the coast about 20 km where we stopped for the night.
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