Founded in 1863 by Samuel Sesler who was digging a cellar the caverns had been used for many years before by the natives as an escape route and as a means of fresh water and to keep food items cool. After its discovery it continued to be used as a means of fresh water and for keeping things cool but was also used by the mayor of the town to hold council meetings in. It seems its constant temperature...apporximately 70 celcus and the outstanding accoustics made the chambers excellent for this purpose. It was said that whatever was said in the room could be heard by the mayor.
The river which helped form the caverns now flows some 180 feet below the surface.
The amazing stalactites attached to the roof of the caverns extend in some areas to meet the stalagmite which form upward from the cavern floor. The caverns are continually forming more stalactites and stalagmites from the constant dripping of ground water through the roof of the caverns. It takes approximately 150 years for a statactite to grow half of an inch.
This tour was so worth the small sum of $9.00 and time-wise the approximately 45 minutes that it took. It was very informative and a joy for the eyes.
No I didn't go into this small space...I stayed on the designated path and kept an eye out for the bats that the tour guide was kind? enough to point out to us.
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