Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cape Spear

We are currently parked at Celtic Rendevous in Tors Cape, Newfoundland and this is what we see when we look out our front window. Breathtaking and hopefully the perfect vantage point to observe the so far elusive Puffin. I am beginning to think I am the only person who has travelled to Newfoundland and not seen a moose, iceburg, whale or a puffin. Oh well there is still hope...we have about a week and a half left before we head to the mainland again.

Today we visited Cape Spear which is the most easterly point in North America. The scenery was breathtaking and you could litterly feel the power of the ocean as it slamed against the shore.

You can also see the heavy gun batteries and magazines built in 1941 to protect the harbour during WWII.

Cape Spear is also the home of this 1835 refirbished lighthouse which is the oldest lighthouse in the province.

To get to Cape Spear we drove through Petty Harbour, a picturesque little village perched, as so many are, on the edge of a rocky shore. With its NARROW streets and houses built practically on the street it makes driving through the village a job for a small vehicle ... very glad at this point that we didn't bring the motor home but opted for the jeep instead.

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