Monday, May 21, 2012

Ostrich Festival

Chandler AZ holds an Ostrich Festival each year and we were fortunate enough to be able to attend.  It was a barrel of laughs.
The amazing birds and foolhardy riders spring around the track while the audience cheers for the riders and finally applauds the rider who is at least able to coax his ostrich to cross the finish line.
Of course there is nothing like having some fun with an audience member and some of the kids were invited up to entertain us between segments.  All in fun of course and they were scrambling to be chosen to participate.
Not to be outdone the Emus also had to get into the act and while they are just as erratic as the ostrich they are about half their size.  They had no riders because of their small size but the participants had the novelty of herding them.  No small feat!
When the ostrich festivities were over we moved on to more adventurous pastime's!!

All in all it was a great day.

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